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3 Motorcycle Insurance Add Ons That Every Rider Needs


When obtaining motorcycle insurance quotes, bikers will immediately be faced with a decision on whether to pay for several insurance add-ons which are available in virtually every policy. While many states require you to carry liability insurance which pays for any damage or bodily injury you cause, there is other optional coverage which you may be tempted to pass by in the interest of frugality. But you should seriously consider including some add-ons in your policy.

Consider how a motorcycle accident could impact your life. No matter whose fault it is, such an accident could take away your health and mode of transportation. This could damage your lifestyle and security.

For example, you should include in your policy medical coverage for yourself. This would cover you if you are injured by an uninsured motorist. This coverage is usually optional, but you could end up paying a high price without it. If you don't have this coverage, you may be left with devastating medical bills in addition to all the trauma and upset that an accident causes. The last thing you would want in this circumstance is to have to deal with debts to doctors and hospitals.

Another add-on you should consider when looking at motorcycle insurance quotes is collision, which means coverage for your bike. Again, if you would be so unlucky as to collide with an uninsured motorist or with a fixed object, you could be left to deal not only with the trauma of the accident but also with a demolished or damaged motorcycle.

The third add-on you should seriously consider when obtaining motorcycle insurance quotes is coverage for a passenger. If you ever carry another person on your bike, and most bikers do, it is only decent to cover that person in the event of an accident. And likely, your passenger will be someone who you love, or at least like, such as your girlfriend or your mother. As a biker, you well know that no matter how safely you drive, getting hit from behind could change life in an instant. You will definitely want to offer your passenger some solace in this eventuality in the form of compensation for their injuries.

In conclusion, while most states only require the bare minimum of liability coverage, a reasonable and responsible biker will avoid a lot of pain and suffering by electing these common sense insurance add-ons when they are deciding on motorcycle insurance quotes.

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