Motorcycle Insurance Articles
Finding Lower Motorcycle Insurance Quotes For Older Bikes
Motorcycle insurance quotes pretty much follow the same pattern as auto insurance. Good drivers get the best quotes, while the machinery involved can also be a determining factor in what policy premiums might be. Like cars that are well past their model year, older bikes can draw lower costs.
Buying a motorcycle is the initial expense; the costs that follow are mostly what it takes to insure the ride. That makes it important for the new owner to shop around to find the best insurance deal. Obviously, newer, more expensive bikes will incur the higher motorcycle insurance quotes, while older bikes can get by with a lot less expense.
Keep in mind that insurance is really designed to protect you from the substantial costs that can add up in case of an accident. For either a new bike, or an older one, make your deductible as high as you can afford knowing that will be the amount coming out of your pocket should an accident claim need to be filed.
Collision coverage for newer bikes, or those that are relatively expensive, is essentially meant to replace or repair a vehicle. While it probably doesn't make much sense to drop collision for a new bike, it can be a sensible way to save money on insurance coverage for older bikes. Talk this option over with your insurer before taking collision out of your policy. It's important to balance the cost of collision coverage against the value of your motorcycle and the deductibles already chosen.
Many insurance companies are delighted with customers who bundle their insurance policies in one package. That works well with motorcycles just as it does with autos, health and household insurance. In many cases, it can mean savings of more than ten percent on your insurance premiums.
Experienced and older riders can expect to hear lower insurance quotes. Younger drivers present a higher risk and subsequently more payouts for insurers. It is possible to trim some of that added cost by attending and graduating from basic motorcycle driving schools.
The lure of vintage motorcycles appeals to many riders. They allow you to preserve history and have fun riding its two-wheeled ambassadors. For bikes 25-years-old, and older, there is Agreed Value insurance. The agreed value option puts older motorcycles in a special category, with options that will provide the lowest cost needed to settle a total loss. The agreed value is provided by you to the insurance company, and is the market value of the bike at the time of application. Agreed value should be updated every time changes are made to the vehicle.