Motorcycle Insurance Articles
How Previous Driving History Affects Motorcycle Insurance Quotes
They say that people can learn from their mistakes and that the past does not matter as long as you move into a better future. While this is a good idea in most areas of life, it does not bear out when it comes to motorcycle insurance. Your motorcycle insurance quote is often a direct reflection of your previous driving habits. Your experiences on the road in the past, whether good or bad, shape how insurance companies asses your abilities. Learn the small details in your past that may make a big difference to your motorcycle insurance premium.
One of the most important components of your previous driving history is your accident record. Most insurance companies are hesitant to insure riders who have been involved in multiple, high cost collisions. If you have a large number of at-fault accidents on your driving record, you will most likely face a much higher motorcycle insurance premium than a less accident prone driver. The reason for the price difference is the simple fact that an accident prone driver has a much higher likelihood of forcing the insurance company into a position where they will have to pay out damages. The higher premium that you will pay as an accident prone driver face reflects the need for companies to balance their books.
Another very important part of your driving history that insurance companies use to arrive at a motorcycle insurance quote is your number of years on the road. The more years you have spent sitting on a bike, the better the chance that you will be able to use your driving know-how to avoid an accident. The lower rates for seasoned drivers are particularly noticeable if you have been able to get through the majority of your years on the road without any major at-fault accidents. If you are a seasoned driver, you will most likely have a much lower motorcycle insurance quote than a younger counterpart. The price difference will often be quite noticeable between seasoned drivers and new learners, causing quotes to vary wildly for the same motorcycle coverage.
When you are looking for motorcycle coverage, the ultimate goal is always to get the lowest quote available for the best possible coverage. What many people do not realize is that the quote you receive will be directly reflective of your previous driving history. While we would all like to believe that our mistakes stay in the past, they can come back to haunt our motorcycle insurance in the present. It is vitally important that you understand how insurers think about the past in order for you to plan your future on the road.