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The New Market For Young Women And Motorcycle Insurance Quotes


Shopping for motorcycle insurance quotes can be an intimidating venture if you have no experience doing so before. Because motorcycles are statistically more dangerous than many other vehicles, you may be seeing prices that are higher than you would typically expect. So before young women begin their search for a motorcycle insurance policy, there are some things they should be familiar with.

There are several ways to get discounts on insurance but they may not be openly advertised by the insurer. For example, many drivers can get their premiums reduced by taking a motorcycle training course that is administered by the state's Department of Public Safety. Young women who have little experience will find these especially helpful because they teach some basic things such as how to manage a motorcycle, what kind of safety gear is necessary, how to avoid risky situations while driving and what to do if you do find yourself in a perilous position. The teachers work on making the young women feel more comfortable and thus pose less of a risk when they are out riding. For a one-time fee, riders can often receive up to a fifteen percent discount on their motorcycle insurance policy.

Young women should be aware that the type of bike they drive may affect the cost of their motorcycle insurance quotes. Custom bikes are typically used for more risky off-road driving and insurance agencies will price their quotes accordingly. If they perceive their risk of having to pay out to cover damages is higher, your rates will be higher. If you do have a custom bike it is also important to make sure that all your parts are covered. If you have a part that was added on, it may not be covered by a simple policy and you may have to get that part individually covered. Some insurance providers may not even offer the ability to insure all parts which would mean you would be stuck paying for a replacement out of your own pocket.

In addition to these money saving tips, if a young woman can prove to the insurer that her motorcycle will be stored in a garage or other type of enclosed area, they may be able to receive a discount because there is less of a threat of vandalism. This is because unfortunately, motorcycles are common targets of vandals because they are so easily exposed. You can also adjust the amount of your deductible in order to save on your premium. You will have to pay more in the event that you have to file a claim but you will be saving some money on your monthly payments.

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