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Where To Find Motorcycle Insurance For Vintage Motorcycles


When seeking motorcycle insurance for vintage motorcycles, there is no substitute for the power of the internet to generate a large number of motorcycle insurance quotes quickly and efficiently. Using the internet to compare and contrast quotes for vintage motorcycles yields valuable information about the relative benefits and costs of different levels of insurance. All shoppers should be prepared to answer basic question during the quote generation process. Questions will likely include the age of the motorcycle, the make, model, and style of bike, the age, gender, and number of riders, garaging arrangements, security and safety features, any special certifications, trainings, or usages of the bike, memberships in any motorcycle clubs, if there have been any modifications or additions to the bike, and other similar questions.

The first place to start when seeking vintage motorcycle insurance, however, is to ensure that the bike to be insured meets the qualifications to be considered "vintage." The term vintage is primarily referring to the age of the bike. Most insurance companies consider a bike that is thirty years or older to be "vintage." While it is easy to assume that an older bike will automatically qualify for cheaper insurance, the quote generation process will evaluate the insurance cost based not just on the age of the bike but also on whether it has been restored, how well it has been maintained, the estimated annual mileage, and if it is a limited or rare model that has a higher likelihood of theft.

When seeking a quote be sure to determine in advance with the potential insurance provider that the bike to be covered is in fact a vintage bike according to their guidelines. If the bike was purchased used, it may be more difficult to determine correct answers to some questions about modifications, original starting price, and other questions, so it is wise to get as much information from the prior owner as possible before seeking a vintage insurance estimate.

When seeking quotes for vintage motorcycle insurance specifically, be sure to specify keywords that will generate the appropriate types of insurance providers. Keywords can include "antique," "vintage," "restored," and "rare." Many insurance providers do offer a quick and easy online quote generator, but it is important to follow up on all likely quotes with a conversation with an insurance agent to ensure the quote is accurate and fairly reflects the bike's actual value. When speaking with the agent, ask about all available discounts. An internet search combined with an informational call to an insurance agent is the best way to find the right vintage motorcycle insurance for a precious vintage bike.

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